
In-Home or In Studio Newborn Sessions | Which is best for your Family?

Deciding Between an In-Home Newborn or Studio Newborn Session:

Making the Right Choice for your Family

When it comes to capturing the precious moments of your newborn’s early days, choosing the right type of session is crucial. At Yellow Brick Road Photography, we want to help make the decision between in-home newborn photography and studio newborn sessions easy.

Here are the options to consider when making this important choice.

1. Comfort and Convenience:

In-Home Sessions: If you prefer a relaxed and cozy atmosphere, an in-home session might be the perfect fit. You can enjoy the comfort of your own space while we capture your baby’s first moments in a familiar environment. This option works best for siblings that are under 5years old as well.

Studio Sessions: On the other hand, studio sessions provide a cozy setting with consistent lighting & similar look/vibe to our brand & portfolio.

2. Personalization:

In-Home Sessions: Opting for an in-home session allows us to incorporate meaningful elements from your home into the portraits. We can capture your baby in their nursery or cozied up on your bed or couch with your pets.

Studio Sessions: Studio sessions offer a clean and timeless look, allowing the focus to be solely on your baby. All the swaddles and clothing for mom are available to utilize for our session.

3. Location:

In-Home Sessions: If you prefer to eliminate travelling to our studio, an in home session is recommended.

Studio Sessions: Studio sessions offer a dedicated space designed specifically for newborn photography. We maintain a controlled and sanitized environment, ensuring the utmost safety and comfort for your baby.

in home newborn session

Choosing between in-home newborn and studio newborn session boils down to your personal preferences and the ambiance & look you desire for your portraits. In-home sessions provide comfort and personalization. Studio sessions offer a controlled setting, a timeless aesthetic, and a dedicated space for professional results. At Yellow Brick Road Photography, we want to help you in making the right decision, ensuring that your newborn’s first moments are captured beautifully.

Contact us today, and let’s create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.

guelph newborn session

Yellow Brick Road Photography

Serving Families in Southern Ontario